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Refer a Driver

You are the people we trust, so your referrals help us fill our fleet with safe and dependable drivers! 

Please fill out the form below or call 1-877-318-4491. If you call, have the following information ready: your name and alpha code, along with the name of the driver you are referring and their phone number, city and state.

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Small Arrows Right
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Your Information

First Name is required
Last Name is required
Alpha Code is Required
Are you currently at an orientation location?* Selection is required

Referred Driver’s Information

First Name is required
Last Name is required
Invalid phone number, please enter in the format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
Is this a Mobile Phone?* Selection is required
City is required
State is required
Enter Valid Zip Code.
Email is Invalid

By completing this web form, you are agreeing that your information will be used in accordance with J.B. Hunt Transport's Privacy Policy and Privacy Notice for Residents of California and Texas.  Notice to California Residents.


J.B. Hunt Driver Referral Bonus Policy

J.B. Hunt offers an incentive payment to active J.B. Hunt employee drivers and independent contractors to encourage referrals of non-J.B. Hunt drivers to drive for the company (the “Driver Referral Bonus”). Driver Referral Bonuses are paid within two weeks after the referred driver (“Referred Driver”) has been employed or contracted with J.B. Hunt for a period of twenty-one (21) days, subject to the following criteria:

  • The driver submitting a referral (“Referring Driver”) must be actively employed by or contracted with J.B. Hunt at the time the Referred Driver is hired or starts their contract and for a period of twenty-one (21) days thereafter.
  • All referrals must be received and properly documented by J.B. Hunt’s Driver Personnel department prior to the referred driver's hire or contract start date. 
  • Referrals that are not timely received and properly documented in J.B. Hunt’s systems will not be reviewed or considered for eligibility by the Driver Personnel department.  Any dispute will be referred to operations management.  
  • The Referred Driver must be hired into an employee driver position or contract as an independent contractor within 90 days of the date the referral was received by the Driver Personnel Department and remain employed or contracted with J.B. Hunt for a period of twenty-one (21) days.
  • The Referring Driver's hire date or contract start date must be at least 7 days prior to the Referred Driver's hire or contract start date.
  • Referrals of drivers who have previously driven for J.B. Hunt may be eligible for the Driver Referral Bonus as long as the Referred Driver has not been employed or contracted with J.B. Hunt as a driver at any time during the 60 days preceding the date of rehire or re-contracting.
  • Referring Drivers may be eligible to be paid a Driver Referral Bonus for drivers they have previously referred (and received a Driver Referral Bonus) as long as the Referred Driver has not been employed or contracted with J.B. Hunt as a driver at any time during the 12 months preceding the Referred Driver's latest hire or contract date.
  • In the event more than one Referring Driver submits a properly documented referral for the same Referred Driver, only the first Referring Driver who meets all the requirements herein will receive the Driver Referral Bonus.
  • The Referring Driver must be the source of and provide all information required for the referral.
  • A Referring Driver may receive a Driver Referral Bonus for up to twelve (12) qualifying referrals within a rolling twelve (12)-month period beginning with the first bonus paid.

*Submission of referrals in no way impacts the employment or contractor relationship between J.B. Hunt and the Referring Driver.

*This policy may change at any time in J.B. Hunt’s sole discretion and may be supplemented from time to time.  Be sure to look for the monthly OBC message for current Driver Referral Bonus amounts and premium location bonuses.

*The Driver Personnel and Corporate Safety departments will perform regular confirmation calls and audits to ensure all claimed Driver Referral Bonuses are obtained appropriately and pursuant to the provisions of this policy. If a Driver Referral Bonus is obtained through fraudulent means, J.B. Hunt will prosecute the recipient of the Bonus to the fullest extent permitted by law and appropriate action will be taken, which may include discipline up to and including termination for employee drivers or contract termination for independent contractors.

Policy last updated:  October 20, 2022