Meet Andrew: 2022 Goodyear Highway Hero Winner

Andrew, A Hero Truck Driver
We want to tell you a story about a driver who truly epitomizes being at the right place at the right time. On any given weekday morning, local truck driver, Andrew, would be heading out to his first delivery. However, on this particular day, Andrew had to stop and fuel up his truck. Not even Andrew could’ve predicted how important that fuel stop would come to be.
On his way to his first delivery, he saw a pickup truck ahead of him perform a lane change without looking, Andrew knew there was a motorcyclist nearby and noticed him start to wobble and then fall out of sight. The driver of the motorcycle had been hit and was on the ground.
Andrew, a former volunteer firefighter with EMT training, jumped into action. He quickly and safely maneuvered his truck to block oncoming traffic from further injuring the driver and left room for emergency services to check on him.
“We can help with blocking lanes, that’s great, but there’s a body on the ground. Let’s figure this out,” said Andrew.
Andrew exited his truck and approached the driver who he found unconscious. He quickly commanded the scene, asking bystanders to explain what happened and call 911, while he tended to the driver. He found a pulse and knew he was breathing, so he began the process of helping him regain consciousness. He channeled his EMT training and began sternum rubs that helped wake him up and sat with the driver to calm his nerves until emergency services arrived.
Commercial truck drivers see a lot during their time on the road, so what was it about this incident that made Andrew jump into action? Andrew said he thought of something his favorite high school teacher always told him, “Choose the hard right over the easy wrong.”
What is the Goodyear Highway Hero Award?
It was an easy right that led Andrew’s manager, Henrik, to nominate him for the Goodyear Highway Hero award. “Andrew’s actions show his character as a hero and always ready to lend a hand to those in need. The outcome of this event could have been much more severe without the selfless act and quick actions of Andrew.”
This award was established in 1983 to honor hero truck drivers who act selflessly to help others on our highways. One other J.B. Hunt driver, Darrell, was nominated for this award back in 2019 for helping get a driver and passenger out of a flipped vehicle. Like Darrell, Andrew’s actions were nothing short of heroic, though he won’t tell you that himself.
“I’m very humbled, and I honestly, still don’t feel I deserve it … there are a million other people that are out here on the roads that do better things. So, you know, still, a little bit of shock and definitely feel like I’m amongst giants getting this award,” Andrew said when asked how he felt about receiving the award.
When Andrew found out that he would be the 38th winner of the Highway Hero award, the first person he called was his father, a former manager at J.B. Hunt.
“Hearing I’m proud of you from him means more to me than winning the award. It means more to me than a lot of things in life because that to me shows that I’m on the right path.”
What is the Reward for the Goodyear Highway Hero Award?
Andrew’s father is not the only one proud of him. All of us at J.B. Hunt are proud to say that he works with us and that we drive alongside truck drivers who value safety above all else.
Andrew will be flown to Orlando, FL where he will attend a press conference announcing his title as the 2022 Goodyear Highway Hero, as well as receiving a monetary award, custom prizes and joining the ranks of highway heroes who come before him.
We hope you’ll help us congratulate Andrew on this prestigious award and look for times in your life when you can choose the hard right over the easy wrong!
The easiest decision you’ll make is joining a team who values its people and its safety culture! Fill out this pre-qual or give our recruiters a call at 1-877-791-9458 to get started today.