Driver Appreciation at J.B. Hunt 

Learn why we dedicate an entire month to celebrating our drivers!

“I think both Mr. and Mrs. Hunt did a great job just modeling how we appreciate, how we love our drivers. And I think that’s carried on to today. That’s our job as the next generation and even the generation that comes behind us. That’s our job to make sure we carry that on for our legacy.” – Shelley Simpson, President

At J.B. Hunt, drivers are more than just a cornerstone of our company; they are the reason we’re here in the first place. Our founder, Johnnie Bryan Hunt, was a driver himself, and he built our company from the ground up with drivers in mind. 

As we celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, we take a moment to honor the drivers who mean so much to us and look at how their influence continues to shape our company.

Truck Driver Appreciation Week

“I think they go above and beyond for what they do as far as driver support and their driver appreciation. Our management up in the area where I’m at, anything we need that’s going to make our job better, they give it to us.” – James, Two Million Mile Safe Driver

For us at J.B. Hunt, truck driver appreciation is something we take very seriously, and we dedicate the entire month of September to taking time to celebrate our drivers with events across the country. 

But our commitment to driver appreciation doesn’t stop there. We work hard to show our drivers appreciation not just for one week or one month out of the year, but each day. Craig Harper, our chief sustainability officer, says we wouldn’t be here at all without our drivers.

“We respect our drivers, we respect their family, we respect the amount of work that they do for us,” he said. “We understand that without the driver, none of us have a reason of being here and that we want the best for them and for their family.”

J.B. Hunt Drivers

“The foundation of who we are and what we can accomplish is only as strong as our drivers.” – Nick Hobbs, Chief Operating Officer

At every level of our company, we recognize that without the incredible work of our drivers, we could not enjoy the level of success and stability we have today. We believe that our drivers are the people we can trust to help us create the most efficient transportation network in North America. 

If you’re ready to drive with a company that knows what it means to appreciate drivers, we’re ready to help you find your next career! Give us a call at 1-877-791-9458 or fill out our short form to take the next step.

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